Club Service Committees
Communications / History Committee
Pilar Martinez, Chair
This committee shall devise and carry into effect, plans to give the general public information about Rotary, its history, object and scope and to secure proper publicity for the club.
Membership Committee
Ralph DeMarco, Chair
This mission of this committee is to recruit, retain and engage members of the Rotary Club of Appleton. The vision is to get a diverse group of community leaders who are dedicated to living out the four way test.
Programs Committee
Leslie Asare, Chair
This committee shall prepare and arrange the programs for the regular and special meetings of the club. The vision is to provide interesting, relevant programs that will appeal to a broad audience.
Recognitions Committee
Tony Gonzalez, Chair
The Rotary Club of Appleton Recognitions Committee is dedicated to identifying, evaluating and honoring exemplary Rotarian and Non-Rotarian community leaders who have distinguished themselves in one or more of the Rotary Avenues of Service. Including a presentation of the Charles and Patricia Heeter Outstanding Community Leadership Award.
Vocational Service Committees
Scholarship Committee
Vacant, Chair
The Scholarship Committee shall promote excellence in education through providing recognition of academic prowess and assisting the directors of the Appleton Rotary Foundation in granting scholarships to qualified students.
International Service/Rotary Foundation Committees
International Study Fellowships Committee
Rich Redman, Chair
This committee promotes both the district’s Global Grant Scholarship and the Rotary Peace Fellowship to build awareness of the programs, attract qualified applicants, and position Rotary as an organization interested in fostering international understanding. (Please see Grants/Scholarships page for more information.)
Rotary International Foundation Committee
Gary Hermsen, Chair
This committee was formed to devise and carry out programs to increase awareness and educate our club members about the work of the RI Foundation by placing articles in the weekly Gusto, frequently presenting announcements at weekly meetings, and scheduling our club’s observance of The Rotary Foundation Month (November). The vision is to have 100% participation by club members to The Rotary Foundation in the form of sustaining members, a major donor or a Paul Harris Fellow.
World Service Committee
Oliver Zornow, Chair
The committee was formed to initiate, investigate, plan, coordinate and implement new and existing opportunities for our club’s international service activities. By helping our club serve on an international basis, we will promote peace and goodwill among all people.
Youth Services Committees
Interact Club of Appleton North
Garrett Singer, Chair
Take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world. Develop your leadership skills while you discover the power of Service Above Self, and find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun!
Rotary Youth Exchange Committee- RYE
Bobbie Thompson, Chairs
Each year our club sponsors one outbound and at least one inbound exchange student. Rotary Youth Exchange has a goal to promote the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace at the person to person level and is for high school ages students, ages 16-18, interested in living and studying abroad for one year. Inbound students are assigned by our District 6220. The Rotary Youth Exchange Officer is now required to be certified by the U. S. Department of State to serve as the local coordinator and to facilitate the proper vetting of host families and completion of DOS documents. The RYE Committee assists in the recruitment of local outbounds and 2-3 host families for each inbound student. In addition, the RYE Committee facilitates the Rotary Short Term Exchange, which presents opportunities for students to advance their knowledge and world understanding by allowing them to do a short term exchange in a different country.
Rotary Youth Leadership Conference
Jon Kester / Jeff Schultz, Co-Chairs
This committee partners with local educators and youth services leaders to identify Fox Valley high school students who would greatly benefit from leadership experiences provided by the Rotary Youth Leadership Conference. The vision is to make a difference in the lives of our young people by demonstrating Rotary’s respect and concern for, and confidence in, our youth. We will strengthen our leaders of tomorrow through Rotary opportunities, encouragement, support and recognition.